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Friday, July 20, 2007

A Kid’s Place Earns National Accreditation

   Doug Edwards, Chairman of the Board, and Barbara Brewer, Executive Director, announced today that A Kid’s Place Child Advocacy Center has been accepted as an accredited member of the National Children’s Alliance, joining over 399 other member programs across the United States.

   Organizations can be recommended for membership following an application and site review process to determine compliance with minimum standards set by NCA. Core components include separate, child-friendly facilities for interviewing and providing services to child victims and their non-offending family members, coordinated, multidisciplinary investigation of reports of abuse, and regular interdisciplinary case review.

   Attention to the needs and abilities of children is a hallmark of Children’s Advocacy Center programs and is fundamental to NCA standards. Recent research has validated the long-held belief that when interactions with children are age-appropriate and provided in a supportive manner, children are more likely to provide accurate and truthful information to investigators, clinicians and other professions, which is clearly in the best interest of everyone involved in and affected by child abuse.
